CNRS-NSF Workshop
Transport and Mixing of reactive and non reactive flows in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer
Paris, July 4, 2001

    Angelo Vulpiani
    Department of Physics, University of Rome "La Sapienza", Italy

    Front propagation in reacting passive scalars advected by laminar flows

    The problem of front propagation in a stirred medium is addressed for flow with cellular patterns. As a consequence of stirring, the effective velocity of the front is enhanced with respect to the non-stirred case. For fast advection the front advances with a velocity proportional to U^{1/4}, where U is the stirring intensity, whereas for slow advection the front speed is proportional to U^{3/4}. The macroscopic dynamics of the concentration field is described in terms of an effective reaction-diffusion equation with renormalized parameters. The theoretical predictions for the effective front velocity are confirmed by direct numerical simulations.

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