Chapter II.1. Preliminaries

Table of Contents

II.1.1. Notice
II.1.2. Where to get Kicksey-Winsey
II.1.3. Release notes
II.1.4. Prerequisites
II.1.4.1. Compiler
II.1.4.2. Libraries

II.1.1. Notice

This documents contains generic installation instructions for Kicksey-Winsey. If you are interested only in using KIWIWALI, the stand-alone wavelet library, you may directly visit the self-contained installation instructions for KIWIWALI.

II.1.2. Where to get Kicksey-Winsey

Kicksey-Winsey is distributed primarily as a Source-Forge project,

II.1.3. Release notes

This is version 1.0 of KW. Hopefully, bugfix releases will be available soon.

A premilinary, Alpha version had been released in 2009. The code has undergone several major restructurations since then. In particular, the array library has been almost entirely rewritten.

II.1.4. Prerequisites

II.1.4.1. Compiler

KW requires a standard comforming C++ compiler, which is able to digest the Boost headers. See below for a list of successful builds.

II.1.4.2. Libraries

The first essential pre-requisite is the Boost C++ library suite. Additional libraries are required by some KW modules:

  • FFTW (the fastest Fourier transform in the West) for spectral Navier-Stokes and related solvers,
  • HDF5 for structured binary I/O,
  • VTK (the Visualization Toolkit) for graphical rendering,
  • GMP (the GNU Multiprecision library) and MPFR for arbitrary precision arithmetics,
  • Nacre, a module from MPFRCPP, for run-time computation of Daubechies filters,

In addition, the header-library PETE (Portable Expression Template Engine), originally developed as part of POOMA at Los Alamos, is directly included in the KW distribution for the user's convenience.