Chapter II.3. Platform-specific notes

Table of Contents

II.3.1. GCC compiler suite notes
II.3.2. BlueGene/P notes

KW (or part of it) has been built on the following platforms :

II.3.1. GCC compiler suite notes

OpenMP requires GCC >= 4.3

Special tweaking parameters that improve inlining rate are passed to the compiler in release mode. Overall, compile time remains quite low with GCC (max. 10 minutes), as compared to other compilers.

II.3.2. BlueGene/P notes

Using the code on BlueGene doesn't make any sense without having activated MPI support in FFTW 3. At this time, this is still in alpha, and should be used with caution.

Intel compiler notes

To compile with full optimization with ICC 10.0, it is likely that you will need to activate Explicit Template Instanciation (ETI), or your system will run out of memory. Note that there has been a huge improvement as of version 11.0 of the intel compiler. The compilation of KW is now a matter of minutes, and the memory needs have been greatly reduced, so that ETI is not required.