Chapter IV.4. Predefined elementary selectors

Table of Contents

IV.4.1. Element-wise selectors
IV.4.1.1. component_selector
IV.4.1.2. unary_operator_selector
IV.4.2. Cartesian selectors
IV.4.2.1. affine_subspace_selector
IV.4.2.2. dim_order_selector
IV.4.2.3. major_selector
IV.4.2.4. mirror_selector
IV.4.2.5. subcube_selector
IV.4.2.6. subrectangle_selector
IV.4.2.7. subregion_selector
IV.4.2.8. subsample_selector
IV.4.3. Zig-zag selectors
IV.4.3.1. select_scale
IV.4.4. Miscanelleous selectors
IV.4.4.1. offset_selector

IV.4.1. Element-wise selectors

Element-wise selectors do not actually modify the logical domain or the access order of a data, but instead, they apply some operation on-the-fly to each element at the moment when it is requested. Two such selectors are defined at present.

IV.4.1.1. component_selector

Template parameters : none.

Public members and typedefs:

ncomponents_t component 0-based index of the vector component to select.

A component_selector is used to select a single component in a vector-valued array. The value_type and reference types are changed accordingly, and all the rest remains unchanged.

IV.4.1.2. unary_operator_selector

Template parameters :

template<class T> class UnaryOperator The unary operator template, parametrized by its argument type.

Public members and typedefs: none.

A unary_operator_selector applies the given UnaryOperator on-the-fly to each element when it is accessed. The value_type of the base selector should be a valid template parameter for UnaryOperator, and the resulting class should be DefaultConstructible. For operators that are not DefaultConstructible (for example, raising a number to some undefined integer power), another mechanism is provided by the item unary_operator_with_parameter_item, whose specifications are:

Template parameters :

class UnaryOperator The class of the unary operator to apply.

Public members and typedefs:

UnaryOperator op The instance of UnaryOperator to apply.

IV.4.2. Cartesian selectors

IV.4.2.1. affine_subspace_selector

Template parameters :

class equations_directions MPL sequence of rank_t constants specifying the fixed directions which parametrize the location of the subspace.

Public members and typedefs:

static const rank_t equations_v = boost::mpl::size<equations_directions>::value Number of equations defining the subspace.
typedef boost::array<size_t,equations_v> coordinates_type Type of array defining subspace position.
coordinates_type coordinatesCoordinates of selected subspace.

An affine_subspace_selector makes a cut in the input selector, such that the indices along certain directions are kept fixed to predefined values, while the indices along the remaining directions continue to vary. For those familiar with Matlab, this corresponds to syntaxes of the type A(:,:,i1,:,i2,:), where A is here a 6D array. The only difference with Matlab is that affine_subspace_selector actually decreases the rank of its output compared to its input.

Here is a simple usage example. Assume that a4d is a 4-D array or selector whose domain size is [5,6,7,8].

					typedef boost::mpl::vector_c<rank_t,1,2> equations_type;
					typedef cartesian::affine_subspace_item<equations_type> item_type;
					boost::array<size_t,1> coordinates = {{3,1}};
					result_of::select<a4d_type,item_type>::type s = select(a4d,item_type(coordinates));

As a result, s is a 2-D selector whose domain size is [5,8], which points to the elements of a4d having their second and third indices respectively equal to 3 and 1.

IV.4.2.2. dim_order_selector

Template parameters :

class DimOrder An MPL sequence of rank_t constants defining the new order for the dimensions.

Public members and typedefs: none.

This selector is a generalization of logical array transposition: it provides access to an array as if the order of its dimensions was permuted. The size of the DimOrder sequence should match the rank of the input array. In the example below, a4d is a 4-D array, and b4d is a view of a4d where the first and second dimension have been exchanged:

					typedef boost::mpl::vector_c<rank_t,1,0,2,3> dim_order_type;
					typedef cartesian::dim_order_item<dim_order_type> item_type;
					result_of::select<a4d_type,item_type>::type b4d = select(a4d,item_type()); 

IV.4.2.3. major_selector

Template parameters :

rank_t major The new major direction in the array.

Public members and typedefs: none.

A special case of dim_order_selector, which circularly shifts the directions so that the one specified by the template parameter major becomes the first one.

IV.4.2.4. mirror_selector

Template parameters :

rank_t mirror_dir The direction in which the mirror operation should be applied.

Public members and typedefs: none.

mirror_selector provides access to an array as if the indices in one of its directions were reversed.

IV.4.2.5. subcube_selector

Template parameters :

rank_t rank The rank of the array in which the subcube will be selected.

Public members and typedefs:

boost::array<size_t,rank> left The number of elements to leave out of the subcube before the retained range.
boost::array<size_t,rank> right The number of elements to leave out of the subcube after the retained range.

Thanks to this selector, a sub-cube can be selected in the input array, which means that the indices are restricted to vary within a certain range in each direction. The resulting selection has the same rank as the input. The ranges are defined indirectly by the numbers of indices of the input which are left out before them and after them, rather than by their endpoints. Thanks to this convention, there is a natural default behavior, which consists in keeping everything.

For example, if a subcube_selector with the following parameter values:

						boost::array<size_t,3> left = {{ 2,1,0 }} ;
						boost::array<size_t,3> right = {{ 0,2,0 }} ;						

is applied to an array of rank 3, the first direction will get cropped of its 2 leading indices, the second one will get cropped of its first index and of its two tailing ones, and the third direction will be left untouched.

Note that attempting to construct a subcube_selector with parameters that would lead to an ill-defined range of indices (that is, if the sum left + right is bigger than the size of the input array) results in an empty selector.

IV.4.2.6. subrectangle_selector

Template parameters :

rank_t shrink1 First direction to be restricted.
rank_t shrink2 Second direction to be restricted.

Public members and typedefs:

size_t left1 Number of indices to be left out before the retained range in the direction shrink1.
size_t right1 Number of indices to be left out after the retained range in the direction shrink1.
size_t left2 Number of indices to be left out before the retained range in the direction shrink2.
size_t right2 Number of indices to be left out after the retained range in the direction shrink2.

subrectangle_selector is a special case of subcube_selector for which only two directions are affected. To facilitate block-wise matrix manipulations, the subrectangle_selector class defines several additional methods, named restrict_left1, restrict_right1, translate1, restrict_left2, restrict_right2, translate2, restrict_range1 and restrict_range2.

All the restrict* functions have the following signature:

						subrectangle_selector subrectangle_selector::restrict_left1(size_t amount);

They construct a new selector with the same parameters except that the quantity amount is added to the corresponding parameter (respectively: left1, right1, left2 or right2).

The translate* functions have the following signature:

						subrectangle_selector subrectangle_selector::translate1(ptrdiff_t amount);

In the new selector, the whole selection is translated by the given amount.

Finally, the restrict_range* functions have the signature

						subrectangle_selector subrectangle_selector::restrict_range1(size_t left, size_t right);

and they result in selection, as if a new subrectangle_selector with the given parameters left/right was extracted out of the domain of the initial one.

IV.4.2.7. subregion_selector

Template parameters :

rank_t shrink_dir Direction to be restricted.

Public members and typedefs:

size_t left Number of indices to be left out before the retained range in the direction shrink_dir.
size_t right Number of indices to be left out after the retained range in the direction shrink_dir.

This is an even further simplification of subcube_selector, which acts only along one direction. The same kind of utility methods as for subrectangle_selector also exist, except that they are defined without the 1/2 suffixes.

IV.4.2.8. subsample_selector

Template parameters : none.

Public members and typedefs:

size_t stride The stride which will be made in each direction.

Traverses the input array by using the increment stride instead of 1 between neighbors in each direction.

IV.4.3. Zig-zag selectors

IV.4.3.1. select_scale

Template parameters : none.

Public members and typedefs:

unsigned int scale The scale to be selected.

This selector works on zig-zag arrays, which have been implemented only in 1D in the present version of the SPAL. It extracts the elements corresponding to a fixed scale in the multi-resolution hierarchical structure of the zig-zag array.

Note that random access is not implemented for this selector, and the member function at will systematically throw.

FIXME : missing documentation about iterator.

IV.4.4. Miscanelleous selectors

IV.4.4.1. offset_selector

Template parameters : none.

Public members and typedefs:

size_t offset The offset which will be applied in the first direction.

This will skip offset elements in the beginning of the input array.