Chapter V.1. General concepts

Table of Contents

V.1.1. Toolbox capabilities
V.1.2. General description

V.1.1. Toolbox capabilities

  • 1D and 2D continuous wavelet transform with the complex Morlet wavelet
  • 1D and 2D wavelet spectra
  • 1D continuous inverse wavelet transform
  • 1D and 2D intermittency factors
  • 2D local Reynolds number
  • standardized plot of 1D wavelet coefficients
  • standardized plot of 2D wavelet coefficients
  • standardized plot of 1D local intermittency factor

V.1.2. General description

transform: cwt1d cwt2d cwscale cwscales icwt1d analysis: intfactor1d intfactor2d localRe2d waveletspectrum1d waveletspectrum2d plotting: drawcwt1d drawcwt2d drawlif1d generate_wavelets: gen_cmorlet gen_cmorlet2d gen_mexh